Discussion Forum

Here you can discuss the following questions that interests you as a teacher of ESL or EFL. Post your ideas on our blog and exchange ideas with other teachers, ask or give advice.

Q1. Why are so many people around the world learning English?

Q2. Why is motivation such a major issue in English language learning classes?

Q3. Why does so much English language instruction take place in cramped, unadorned rooms ?

Q4. Why are coursebooks so important in English language programs?

Q5. Why do tests play such a major role in English as a Foreign Language study?

Q6. Why do most English language tests focus exclusively on reading, listening and grammar

Q7. Why do so many "non-profit" English testing organisations charge so much for their tests?

Q8. Why is it so expensive to learn English?

Q9. Why don't many teachers do more to develop their skills and professionalism?

Q10. Why don't major publishers develop better and more eclectic teaching materials?

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