
In the traditional reading class, do you find that students are bored to do the exercises according to our  textbooks? Do you have difficulty in giving a wonderful reading class? Are you lack of reading activities to make the students interested in class? Here are some suggestions for teachers to carry on a reading class. 

1. How to Teach Reading Comprehension
Students sometimes have difficulty when they do the reading comprehension, the video by Carolina Massie on 'How to Teach Reading Comprehension' explains the basic points every teacher should take in consideration. You may learn from it before you give a reading class.

2. Reading Activities
You can look for specific activities from the website. This website will provide you with plenty of ideas.


1. KWL is an activity that a class does before, during, and and after an activity. It is also a good activity because it taps into prior knowledge, and the teacher can use it to assess whether a topic is appropriate or not.
2. Word Building Activities are an excellent way to teach reading, especially to younger (K-2) students.

 Choose the suitable activity according to the material and your target students' level.  For more information, please click here.

3. Reading Games
Students can practise their reading skills in EFL/ESL games. Here are some games for you to choose which suits your students well.

Sentence Jumble        Running Dictation         

 Dictation Game           Janken Slap

Videojugeducation. (2011, Apr. 6)  How to give lessons on reading comprehension [Video file]. Retrieved from
Reading Activities (n.d.) Retrieved April 5, 2012, from
Teaching English in Asia (n.d.) Retrieved April 5, 2012, from

Related links:
How to Teach ESL Reading (n.d.) Retrieved April 6, 2012, from
How To Teach A Perfect Reading Lesson (n.d.) Retrieved April 7, 2012, from
Teach Reading in Middle & High School (n.d.) Retrieved April 7, 2012, from

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